Successful Virtual Conversation on First Gen Issues (See the Video)
First-generation college students and their student allies enrolled in the WVU Honors College's Ambassadors for Change class at West Virginia University hosted a Virtual Conversation on first-generation issues on Monday April 13, 2020. First2 Network members Kathryn Williamson and Michelle Richards-Babb co-taught the class and First2 students Gabriella Gill, Isabella Hurley, Jordan Means and Aubrey Cumberledge were members of the class.
Attendees were informed of the issues facing first-generation students and learned of a myriad of resources. Attendees included high school teachers and students, faculty, administrators and community members. The virtual conversation was recorded. Interested persons can view the Virtual Conversation and peruse the resources at:
Congratulations to Kathryn Williamson and her student team for making this event happen!