Facilitating Entering Research Workshop
WISCIENCE/CIMER Facilitating Entering Research Workshop
February 13-14, 2020
June 4-5, 2020
University of Wisconsin – Madison
You are invited to reserve your spot at an upcoming Facilitating Entering Research Workshop
February 13-14, 2020 Deadline to reserve your spot: December 1, 2019
June 4-5, 2020 Deadline to reserve your spot: April 1, 2019
Facilitating Entering Research is a two-day “train-the-trainer” workshop for undergraduate and graduate research training program directors, faculty, post-doctoral fellows, instructors, staff members, and administrators in STEMM. Workshop participants learn to facilitate Entering Research activities, develop a custom curriculum for their research trainees, and create a plan to implement the custom curriculum at their institution or organization. This workshop is offered by the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) and the Wisconsin Institute for Science Education and Community Engagement (WISCIENCE).
Registration is limited to 32 participants. Workshops often fill quickly, so reserve your spot early. Registration is $995 and includes workshop materials, a copy of the Entering Research book plus breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. Participants are responsible for funding their own travel and lodging.
For more information and to register, visit: https://sites.google.com/wisc.edu/facilitatingenteringresearch/home?authuser=0
What participants say about the Facilitating Entering Research Workshop:
- “Having the opportunity to network with individuals from other universities who are working on similar things was invaluable. The facilitation was great and really helped me think through what I want to students in my program to take away from the experience.”
- “Super competent and informed facilitators…. The curriculum is so realistic and easy to use. I appreciate all the thought and hard work that has gone into it. “
- “The access to the activities is so valuable. I had been inventing my own "wheel" and to have honed and tested activities to use for these topics is a wonderful resource.”
- “The group assembled—both facilitators and participants—was welcoming and eager to work together. We openly shared ideas and tried to help one another answer questions.”
- “At the [Entering Research] workshop, I was able to connect with people in similar roles as mine and develop a community or network for myself. Now I know who to contact when I have questions. Thank you!”
If you have questions, please contact Julia Vander Meer, CIMER Program Manager, at julia.vandermeer@wisc.edu.