Dr. Caitlin Howley

Caitlin Howley (Ph.D. of Sociology, Temple University) leads evaluation of the First2 Network at ICF. Her areas of expertise include rural education, education equity, college access and success, and organizational and evaluation capacity building. Currently a Director with ICF, Howley conducts education research and program evaluation for a variety of projects, including the Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative’s Center for States. She also provides technical assistance to clients of the Region 8 Comprehensive Center, which serves state education agencies in Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. In earlier capacities, Caitlin directed the Appalachia Regional Comprehensive Center, provided research and technical assistance services for the Regional Educational Laboratory Mid-Atlantic’s Rural Education Research Alliance, led evaluation of the Appalachia Eisenhower Regional Consortium for Mathematics and Science Education, provided evaluation services to the Region IV Comprehensive Center, and served as a Research and Evaluation Specialist with the Appalachia Educational Laboratory. Caitlin’s work has appeared in such publications as the American Journal of Evaluation, the Journal of Research on Rural Education, the Journal of Appalachian Studies, and the Journal of Organizational Theory in Education, and has been honored by the American Educational Research Association and the National Rural Education Association.